Have you ever considered that Heaven might not be some distant place, but a state of being that we can access right here and now? When Jesus spoke about Heaven coming down to Earth, and the ‘second coming of Christ,’ many interpret this as an external event, a moment when something miraculous will occur outside of us. But what if this message is about something much more intimate and personal? What if the real miracle is awakening to the divine presence within ourselves?
A Shift in Understanding: From External to Internal Awareness
Growing up with a Christian background, I was taught that God was separate from me-an external entity far bigger, far better, and far more powerful. My spirituality was focused outward and upward. Like many, I believed that I had to reach outside of myself to find God. But over time, I began to see that Christ’s message wasn’t about searching for God in some far-off realm, but about discovering the divine within.
This shift in understanding completely changes the perspective on the second coming. Instead of waiting for a saviour to descend from the heavens, we are invited to look inward and realize that the Divine has never been separate from us. It’s already here, within us, waiting to be acknowledged and embodied.
This isn’t just about one person claiming divinity; it’s about recognizing that everything and everyone is an expression of the Divine. Just as Buddha taught the realisation of oneself as divine energy, so too does Christ consciousness call us to see ourselves-and all beings-as manifestations of this eternal presence.
Experiencing the New Earth Within Ourselves
So, what does it mean to bring Heaven to Earth? How do we realize this state of being?
One way to understand this is by exploring the concept of vibration. When we become still and attuned to our bodies, we can sense a subtle, yet powerful, vibrational aliveness. This isn’t something that happens through the mind or through thinking; it’s a direct experience within the body. It’s a clear, still awareness that exists independently of any external stimuli. And through tuning into this vibration, we start to catch glimpses of Heaven within ourselves.
I’ve had moments in my own experience where, simply by becoming aware of this ever-present vibration, I felt as if a curtain lifted. Suddenly, although I was still in the same physical space, everything looked and felt different. Everything appeared in its perfect order-radiant, harmonious, and utterly beautiful. In those moments, it felt as if Heaven was indeed right here, only obscured by layers of mental noise and contractions.
These glimpses of the new Earth show us that Heaven isn’t a physical place, but a state of awareness-a way of perceiving and being that is available to all of us. The more we tune in to this vibration of clear existence, the more Heaven unfolds through our own experience. This is what it means to raise our vibration and align with a higher state of consciousness.
The Role of the Body in Awakening
One of the most significant aspects of this awakening is understanding that it happens through the body. Many spiritual traditions emphasize leaving the body or transcending it to reach higher states of awareness. But I’ve found that true awakening is about descending into the body, anchoring the divine presence into our physical being.
By sensing the simple, pure awareness within the body, we unlock the doorway to Heaven. This isn’t about striving for perfection or trying to become more “spiritual.” In fact, the beauty of this process is that it meets us exactly where we are-no matter how imperfect or flawed we might feel. It’s about acknowledging that we are here, in this body, in this moment, and that this is enough.
From Suffering to Stillness: Letting Go of Trauma Responses
A large part of awakening to this new Earth involves letting go of the conditioned patterns and trauma responses that keep us in a contracted state. So many of us are accustomed to navigating life through a lens of fear, worry, and self-doubt. We hold onto these familiar patterns because, in a way, they give us a sense of safety and control. But when we begin to access the clear awareness within, these habitual responses take a backseat.
There is a lightness that comes with this release-a sense of freedom that can be shocking. It’s almost as if we’ve been carrying around heavy baggage for so long that we don’t know what it feels like to truly be. When we drop these burdens, even momentarily, the experience can feel like soaring-like suddenly being weightless in a world where everything is perfectly aligned.
Cultivating the New State of Being: Practical Steps
If this state of being feels elusive, remember that it’s a gradual process of tuning in, of becoming aware of what is already here. One of the most effective ways to cultivate this awareness is through meditation-specifically, meditation on the sensations within the body. This practice doesn’t require any belief systems or dogma; it’s a simple process of feeling what’s happening within your own body.
By bringing your attention to the sensations in your body, without any expectation or outcome, you begin to sense a clearer awareness. Over time, this awareness expands, and the light of consciousness fills the body. It’s as if the energy centers-often referred to as chakras-start to illuminate, and the pure vibration of life itself begins to shine through.
The Simplicity of Awakening
It might sound complex or lofty, but the truth is, awakening is incredibly simple. So simple, in fact, that we often overlook it. It’s about being here, in this body, in this moment, and allowing ourselves to feel the clear, ever-present vibration of life flowing through us. There’s no need to ascend to another realm or to become someone else.
This is the message: Heaven is already here, and we realize it by coming fully into ourselves, descending into our bodies, and seeing the Divine in every moment of our lives.
So, next time you feel caught up in external striving, remember: the path to bringing Heaven to Earth begins by turning inward. The new Earth, the new state of being, is not somewhere far off-it’s within you, waiting to be uncovered and lived.
– Leán Bakker